Thursday, May 07, 2009

Drinking problems

I might have a drinking problem...

My desk usually has this many drinks and cups on it every day. I know, I need to get control of this issue ;) And yes, I usually have them in a straight line...I'm a perfectionist!

Some of you are asking for an update on the birthmark laser treatments. Here is a photo from the weekend...

You can see a darker spot on the chin. The rest of the chin and the cheek are reacting great to the laser. I know you can still see the birthmark but the color is so much lighter than before. I will probably have a couple more treatments then give it a rest for a while.

1 comment:

Pegsy said...

A drinking problem is something I will never have - I actually don't drink as much as I should! My bladder is so small and I hate having to pee all the time!
Your birthmark looks great! I can totally see that it's getting lighter!