Before I return to work, I will share the typical exchange of comments, statements and questions at lunch with some coworkers. I'll explain what all this means after I quote a few.
Mindy: I'm so excited about my vacation that starts July 3! I'll be moving into a new place during it, but I'm ready for a week off!
Coworker: Yeah, at the end of July, I get to take ONE DAY off! But some around here, not you Mindy, get to take a whole week at a time. Oh, poor them.
Mindy: Do we know when the new Zeus light parts will be here? That will be a nice product.
Coworker: Well, whenever it gets here, I'm sure the bosses won't think about how much more work there will be for us. No, they'll just bark at us and demand we get the new stuff out immediately!
Mindy: I got stuck in traffic while grabbing something to eat for lunch. Thought I'd never make it back.
Coworker: At least you get an hour for lunch. I barely have enough time to shovel it in then get back to work.
Mindy: The long weekend was nice.
Coworker: Would be a lot better if we didn't have to come back.
Do you see the pattern? No matter what I say, the coworker always has a negative comment. Nothing is ever right or good or fine or promising or fun. Their remarks don't leave me in a mad mood; instead, I feel sorry for him/her. Such a sad thing to go through life with that outlook. Never happy, always complaining.
My relationship with Jesus makes all the difference. I have a joy the coworker does not. I have the ability (God's grace) to live life with an optimistic attitude. I'm pessimistic by nature but The Holy Spirit enables me to see the glass half full.
One more thing...the reason I get to take a whole week off at a time is I don't take a day off every other week! I save them up then take a real vacation. We get so many hours each month for time off. If you don't use them as soon as you get them, eventually you will have a good amount of hours to take off.