Monday, May 14, 2007

One of those moments

During the lesson on Sunday, a thought occurred to me. Ever have one of those moments when something from a passage in scripture dawns on you? Like you've never seen that particular point? Well, that happened to me yesterday as I sat in my home church on Mother's Day.

The Sunday School teacher taught on Exodus 2 where Jochebed puts Moses into the Nile and trusts God to care of him. The events that transpire bring Moses back to his mom and back to his Hebrew roots. What occurred to me at that moment was Moses' mom had him at the important formative years of life. The time when our personality, morals and values are instilled. Remember how Moses chose to return to his Hebrew heritage once he got older. I think that came from him being with his mom early on.

What if Moses had stayed in the palace instead of returning to his mom to be nursed and weaned? The Pharaoh's daughter would have indoctrinated Moses with Egyptian values. What would God had to have done in Moses' life for Moses to end up the leader of the Hebrews as they exited Egypt?

My mom instilled Christian morals and values into me from an early age. The Sunday School lesson reminded me of how important the role is of a mother and father in the life of a child. As I get older, I see the principles my parents taught me played out in my everyday decisions.

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