Monday, September 29, 2008


Most people shy away from even the thought of transparency, let alone making oneself so. As I've developed my walk with the Lord, I've observed the act of being open and honest about the condition of my heart has helped me move forward. It is when I keep things to myself, when I see a truth in scripture that I'm not living, when I knowingly do things that are not useful, that's when I stop growing, that's when I don't sense the Spirit's guidance.

So, to open lines of communication back up with the Spirit and with whoever reads this blog (because I definitely know of only a couple), here is what I am learning with a new Bible study I'm in on Thursday nights.

The tongue - in the book of James, it is described as the little piece that controls large ships, horses, the spark to start a fire. My tongue has been let loose to do as it pleases. In recent years, I have let go of any control over this small member of my body. No more. I will purposefully guard words that come from my mouth.

I've been on the receiving end of an uncontrolled tongue. It is painful, sometimes those words can't be easily shaken off. I've also been on the giving end of an uncontrolled tongue. Oh! the heartache I've caused. So easy to open the mouth and let words pour out. Right?

How will this change me and those around me? If I've allowed complaints or gossip to fill our conversations, either from me or you, no more. I will try my hardest to not mention things that should not be said. I won't allow my friends to talk on and on to me with complaints or grumblings.

I want to live a life pleasing to the Lord. I can't do that as long as my tongue is used to simply make myself feel better. I want my words to be seasoned with grace, Colossians 4:6.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful. I've been thinking a lot of the same things. :)