Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The wisdom of church signs

Over the past months, I have accumulated some quotes from signs in front of churches. I've jotted them down to share with you. Even though there is some truth and wisdom in many of them, most are ridiculous to place on a church sign! Enjoy...
~Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out.
~God doesn't believe in atheists; therefore, they don't exist.
~Beat the heat - choose Heaven.
~Pray or prey - your choice.
~Wanted: imperfect people, free trip 2 heaven, details inside.
~Labor 4 for Lord, His retirement plan is out of this world.

The third and fourth quotes are from the same church; the fifth and sixth quotes are from the same church; see a pattern in them? My personal favorite is quote two. I'm sure the pastor thought he was quite the smart little cookie when he came up with that one. But in actuality, he appears to be an idiot. Although it made me laugh, that is a rather stupid argument to present when debating with an atheist.


Anonymous said...

A new post! Excitement spread across the land!
Oh, church signs. You know my feelings on this. Silly church down the road for me. They certainly love using numbers rather than words. :)

Pegsy said...

Those church signs are a problem for me most of the time. Usually they make Christians look so ridiculous. And they can be so condescending - who wants to go somewhere when you feel like everyone thinks they're superior to you?