Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mid-week update

It has been over a week since I graced your lives with my writings. Graced may not be the word you would use but you can keep that to yourself :)

My life-long friend Christina got engaged last week! She closed on a house the same day; talk about a busy woman! I'm going to Somerset this weekend to see the ring and talk of wedding stuff. I also want to see her new house. Christina has found a great guy to marry. Eric has my stamp of approval.

Found a brown recluse spider in the kitchen sink last night. It had the defined violin on the back, the one definite sign of that spider. At first it completely freaked me out. But I know there are multiple spiders in that house that I never see. Nice thought, huh? ;)

My roommate, Wendi, is a second grade teacher. This year, she began a pen pal project with her kids. I volunteered and have a cute little girl with whom I'm writing back and forth. I love seeing the random things she will write about. Second graders are still cute and friendly. They still see an adult as cool; they hit fourth grade and that all changes!

My friend Mandy mentioned today on her blog of there being a basket of laundered and folded clothing sitting in the kitchen, just waiting to be put away. It has been waiting for a while. I have the same problem! Do any of you? I don't mind washing clothes, or folding them. But I detest putting them away! Why? It is a simple thing to do. The funny thing, all the people who responded to Mandy's blog post struggle with the same thing! Maybe we have an epidemic of laziness on our hands :)

I'm awaiting the try-out results of an ensemble at church. I love to sing...did you know that? If you didn't, you don't spend enough time around me. If I don't make it, I will be crushed at first. Then I'll get over it. But I really want to make it! We should have the list tonight.


Unknown said...

So, congrats for making Grateful Hearts (are they still calling it that or are they going to come up with another name?)!! And best wishes to Christina.

And no, our problem is that if Jason does laundry, it sits in the dryer until the next load needs to be done, when he throws it on top of the dryer. For some reason, when I do it, I finish it - complete with hanging up his clothes (most of mine fold - I don't care about wrinkles).

Pegsy said...

Laundry - it's a never-ending pesky problem in most homes, I think! I have trouble getting to the folding part... It sits in the dryer till the next load comes along or somewhere else in a pile. I always say "Well, at least it's clean!" I've been better since we moved cause the laundry room is upstairs, so the natural place to put the pile is on our bed! Since we have to go to sleep every night, I get the clothes folded more quickly!

Have fun writing to your second grade little friend! We have one of those cuties in our home this year! :-)