Saturday, September 30, 2006

Allergies and Green Hills

Allergies, allergies, allergies! When will the ragweed die down?! I'm going crazy over here with itchy eyes, throat and ears. Not to mention the constant congestion and random coughing.

I grew up in Kentucky, in a town much like Nashville. Unless I have a horrible memory, I don't remember allergies bothering me. Ever since moving here though, the spring and especially the fall give me a one-two punch that I can't dodge. Oh well, such is life.

Any of you from Nashville want to join me in saying that the entire Green Hills area is the biggest pain to drive through? I avoid the area as much as possible. My blood pressure sky rockets when I venture that way. Whoever designed the traffic light setup and timing did not need to have that job! And trying to park at Green Hills mall is enough to send the mildest of temperament into orbit. Anyway, glad that shopping excursion is over.

Hope all is well in your world. Side note...I slept until 11:30am today. I feel so much better. :)

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