Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Challenge for myself

This month I will try my hardest to post something on here every week day. You may end up with stuff not written by me to fulfill this challenge but there will be something posted here.

The reason for this challenge is not just to post on the blog for posting sake. I need to vocalize lots of stuff. Get thoughts out of my brain and into the open. So, to start the month off...

Does anyone else find the lack of sitcoms on television annoying? Most shows are now reality based or game show material. Where have the smart script writers gone? There are a couple of shows hidden among the shows that require no brain activity on the viewers part.

I want a good sitcom back! Have we dumb down our society enough the past ten or so years that we no longer care to be challenged with controversial topics or quick whit? You would think so by a quick run down of current shows lists. A word to producers and writers: I can handle a story line that continues past one episode. And I can handle a grown up conversation mixed with humor. And I can process big words and deep philosophical ideas. So, give me a show that contains that. Thank you.

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