Monday, March 03, 2008


When I started this blog, I thought there would be regular postings. Maybe I set my standards too high. By the way, my space bar is not working every time I hit it. My typing sounds harsh since I have to hit the space bar with force. For those who watch Project Runway, I'm typing fiercely!

Lesson from tonight: There's nothing on TV on Monday nights! Absolutely nothing!

I've been in a weird "funk" this past like the past six months. I'm realizing my life is not what I want it to be and there's not much I can do about it. Sorry, I won't stay on that thought.

This isn't much of a post, but I want to get myself in the habit of writing.


Anonymous said...

Don't be in a funk. (And I think a lot of us are in the same boat with realizing life hasn't turned out at all like we thought it would.) And that can be depressing. But we can't spend our lives dwelling on what we wish had happened and not living (fiercely) in reality. So we haven't gotten everything we wanted. . . so what! Neither has most other people, even those who are married. I may not be exactly happy with what I've got right now, but I'm content. And sometimes it takes a daily effort to be that. So I guess my point is that I'm in there with you and it's a day-to-day dependence on God and trusting that He really does know what He's doing that's getting me through!

Anonymous said...

So, Unfinished, are you saying that all you really want is to be married? Why? Really, there's so much more to life than searching for some other person to make our lives complete. I agree that it would be nice to be married, but no self-respecting God-fearing person (as you seem to be) should feel less than whole because he/she is single. Life should be about living every moment to its fullest potential - not living today in order to find someone else who can make me happy tomorrow.

I guess what I'm saying to both of you is that there's no real reason to be in a funk. We're only given one day - today - and we should do everything in our power to make it the best day possible and share God's love with those we meet instead of pining away for some love that in the end probably will not make us feel better at all.

Mindy said...

I would love to know who 'anonymous' is.

Although my singleness is a part of the funk I've been in, it's not the only thing. There are many areas in my life that have contributed.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned the singleness thing because I know Mindy and knew that was part of what she was talking about. I was talking about how we planned our lives, and if we're both honest, Mindy and I would say we thought we'd be married by now. If you knew me at all, you would know my hatred for the idea that marriage makes people whole.It does not; only God can do that. Too many people, women especially, think that if they just get married life will be perfect, which is just as misguided.You cannot depend on someone else to make you happy. I'm sorry if that's how my comment came across to you. In all honesty, my comment had to do partly with marriage, but more with what I planned I'd be like, how deep my relationship with God would be, what impact I would be having on the people around me for Christ.