Monday, June 30, 2008

Anyone have some prozac?

After watching Reservation Road with Mandy last Friday night, I felt like I needed a good dose of anti-depressants! Great movie, made me like Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Ruffalo even more. But, let me tell ya, that movie has some seriously heavy material. I highly recommend it though.

From watching that movie to reading Mandy's recent post about movies, I offer you this quick ride through Mindy's thoughts.

Many people don't want to watch a movie that has heavy material or isn't light-hearted. I like my fair share of comedies and silly films but I also like a good soul-searching plot line. Reservation Road did that for me. When the movie ended, I had many things on my mind: Would I come forward if I had committed the crime? Would I be able to live with the guilt if not? How would I cope with losing a child? The list goes on and on, but I don't want to spoil the movie for you.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you about that movie. I kept wondering what I would do if that happened to me. If I were the parent on the losing end. . . if they weren't both on the losing end. It was one of those movies that I think was good but I probably won't watch again. . . or at least for awhile.

Pegsy said...

Is this movie in the theatre out on DVD? Sounds like something I would "like."